Tai Shogi : row 1

Pieces and Movements

The Lance (L) can move any number of free squares straight forward but can move in no other direction. An unpromoted lance that reaches the farthest rank is trapped.
The Turtle-Snake (TS) can move any number of unobstructed spaces diagonally forward or orthogonally backward, move up to two squares diagonally backward, or move one square orthogonally forward.
The Whale (W) can move any number of free squares directly forward or backward; or It can move any number of free squares diagonally backward.
The Flying Dragon (FD) can move one or two squares along one of the four diagonal directions. Because it cannot move orthogonally, a flying dragon can only reach half the squares on the board.
Promotion : Dragon King (DK)
The Goblin (LO) can move any number of free squares along one of the four  diagonal directions, then (optionally) turn 90° and move any number of free squares in a perpendicular diagonal direction; or, It can step one square in one of the four orthogonal directions.
The Dove (D) can move one or two squares in one of the four orthogonal directions; or it can move one to five squares in one of the four diagonal directions.
The Rook (R) can move any number of free squares along any of the four orthogonal directions.
The Dragon Horse (DH) can move any number of free squares along any of the four diagonal directions; or It can move one square in any orthogonal direction.
The Dragon King (DK) can move any number of free squares along any of the four orthogonal directions; or, It can move one square in any diagonal direction.
The Free King (FK) can move any number of free squares along any one of the eight orthogonal or diagonal directions.
The Gold General (G) -  can step one square in one of the four orthogonal directions; or, One square diagonally forward, giving it six possibilities.
The Deva (DV) has asymmetric options for movement. It can step one square diagonally forward, in either direction; or, One square orthogonally to the left; or, One square diagonally backward to the right.
Promotion : Teaching King
The Emperor (E) is the most important and the most powerful piece. It has the most wide ranging move of any piece: the Emperor may move instantly to any square on the board, regardless of any pieces in the way. The only restriction to this move is that the Emperor cannot capture a piece that is protected by another piece. "Protected" means that any adjacent pieces have the ability to move to the square the protected piece is on.The Emperor must be captured in order to win the game, and it seems the only way to do it is to use your own Emperor, by first knocking out its defenders, leaving the Emperor helpless, then going in for the kill.
The Dark Spirit (DS) has asymmetric options for movement. It can step one square diagonally forward, in either direction; or, one square orthogonally to the right; or, one square diagonally backward to the left.
Promotion : Buddhist Spirit
The White Tiger (WT) can move any number of free squares directly forward or backward; or, diagonally forward to the left; or, It can move one or two squares orthogonally sideways; or, It can step one square diagonally forward to the right.

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