Using strategy and careful thinking, be the first to get through your opponent’s lines and place one of your pieces beyond the other side of the board.
- Classical Chess Board : an 8x8 board (have a look to our Chess Boards)
- 16 white pieces (8 circles and 8 squares)
- 16 black pieces (8 circles and 8 squares)
Each player chooses one colour and places his pieces as illustrated: squares on dark spaces and circles on light ones. The player with the colour white begins.
Each player chooses one colour and places his pieces as illustrated: squares on dark spaces and circles on light ones. The player with the colour white begins.
Game description
During each turn, players choose a piece and play it according to the rules specific to that piece. He has the choice to move or to deploy that piece (i.e. separate it into several pieces if it was a compound piece). During that move, he may have the opportunity to stack his own pieces or to capture one of his opponent's pieces. In any case :
- you cannot move backward, toward your own side,
- you cannot jump over other pieces.
The winner is the first player who places a piece beyond the opposite side of the board.
- Simple pieces
- Stacks
- Stacking a square with a square gives a double square
- Stacking a double circle with a square gives the compound piece circle-circle-square.
Movements of compound pieces
Important: during a movement, a compound piece is always taken as a whole, like one "big piece". To separate that piece again into 2 or 3 simple pieces, you must deploy it (see below).- A double circle moves like a simple circle in 1 or 2 steps.
- A double square moves like a simple square in 1 or 2 steps.
- A square-circle moves either like a square, or like a circle.
- A triple circle moves like a simple circle in 1, 2 or 3 steps.
- A triple square moves like a simple square in 1, 2 or 3 steps.
- A square-square-circle moves either as a double square, or as a simple circle.
- A circle-circle-square moves either as a double circle, or as a simple square.
- be split into several pieces,
- change direction,
- jump over other pieces.
To split a compound piece into 2 or 3 simple pieces, you must deploy it. To do so, the player takes the compound piece in his hand. He places his hand above a neighbouring space, drops a simple piece on that space, then continues this way until all the simple pieces of the compound piece have been placed (or deployed).Rules concerning the order of deployments and the choice of destination spaces are the following:
- If a compound piece includes both circles and squares, you deploy all circles first, or all squares first. One cannot, for instance, deploy in the order 1-circle, 2-square, 3-circle again.
- The destination space of a simple piece is always chosen according to its normal possible movements: forward diagonal for a circle, on the side or forward for a square.
- If one deploys 2 or 3 circles, he has to deploy them in the same direction: one cannot slalom during deployments. In the same idea, 2 or 3 squares are always deployed in the same direction.
- Either a square (one step forward or on the side), then two circles (two steps one after the other in the same diagonal)
- Or two circles (two steps one after the other in the same diagonal), then one square (one step forward or on the side).
Figures below illustrate the different ways to deploy a circle-circle-square, starting with the circles (1st figure), or with the square (2nd figure).
Example 2: the figures below illustrate the different ways to deploy a square-square-circle, starting with the squares (1st figure), or with the circles (2nd figure).
The deployment of a square-circle works like the deployment of a square-square-circle with only one square (or like the deployment of a circle-circle-square with only one circle). Triple square and triple circle deployments follow the same principle. Important: During a deployment, one cannot:
- Deploy over a space occupied by an opponent’s piece,
- Stop the deployment before the piece has been completely deployed.